
Avian Flu Close To Home

Avian Flu Close To Home

Cases of Avian Flu have been reported close to home, and we want our supporters, friends, and family to be assured we are taking every precaution possible to keep our cats and staff safe. 

What is Avian Flu? 

Avian Influenza, sometimes called Bird Flu, has been around in domestic and wild bird populations for decades. However, the recent variant, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1), has recently been detected in cats, humans, domestic and wild birds, and cows.

See the most recent updates on the CDC's website.

How does Avian Flu spread? 

Avian Flu spreads through contact with secretions of infected birds (saliva, nasal discharge, feces) or surfaces contaminated with the virus. 

Click here for more information from the CDC. 

How does it impact our wildcats and hybrids? 

According to the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association, sensitive species include tigers, mountain lions, lynx, and domestic cats.

Avian Flu, according to the AVMA, causes the following symptoms in cats: 

  • Neurological issues such as tremors, seizures, and/or impaired coordination
  • Ocular and nasal discharge
  • Respiratory issues such as difficulty and/or abnormal breathing 

There have been several recent cases of Avian Influenza close to our Sanctuary:


These outbreaks are of grave concern to all of us at Wildcat Ridge. As a supporter, we’re sure you’re worried too. We want you to know that we are implementing all recommended biosecurity measures to prevent Avian Influenza in our sanctuary residents.

Currently, there is no treatment for Avian Flu, other than supportive care, for cats who test positive. Therefore, prevention is imperative and our only defense. We have been purchasing all appropriate PPE materials, following stringent cleaning and animal care protocols, and designing safety measures to ensure our cats and staff stay healthy. We are stocking up on large quantities of disinfectants and cleaning materials specifically designed to kill the virus, PPE for our animal care staff, and separate cleaning materials for each animal enclosure (for 85+ animals!).
Posted by Cheryl Tuller in Blog, Education

Surviving Joe Exotic

Most people have heard of Joe Exotic or if not are at least aware of the Netflix show, Tiger King, Murder, Mayhem, and Madness that aired this year.

Unfortunately, instead of showing the constant abuse of the animals in his care, it sensationalized Joe's life and all the chaos surrounding him.

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Posted by Cheryl Tuller in Blog

Tigers in America – Cub Petting, Roadside Zoos and Sanctuaries

“Should we privately own big cats?” Jack, a developer who is part of a tech team I work with, asked this question during a casual meeting. Like many others, he had watched Tiger King and was curious about people's opinions. Based on my passionate answer, I was asked to give a presentation to the whole company during lunch-and-learn. The images in this blog post are slides from my talk.

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Posted by Stefanie Kraus in Blog, Education

Tiger King – Can it be a Win for the Animals?

Did you know that four of our cats here at WildCat Ridge came from Joe Exotic’s place? Joe was cited for more than 200 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act while he was exhibiting animals. He treated them horribly, declawed them so that he could make more money, and they were housed in tiny cages. He sold tiger cubs to other exploiters, and shot five of his own tigers to make room for more. 

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Posted by Stefanie Kraus in Blog, Education

BC SPCA seizes 13 exotic serval cats found living in ‘horrific conditions’

Posted July 2, 2019 6:26 pm, Updated July 4, 2019 8:53 am

The BC SPCA says it plans to recommend animal cruelty charges after seizing more than a dozen exotic cats from a breeder near Little Fort, B.C., that officials say were living in “horrific conditions. The agency alleges that the 10 adult serval cats and three kittens were being housed in dark, hot RV trailers with a lack of ventilation and water, and had been exposed to high levels of ammonia from urine.

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Posted by Stefanie Kraus in Blog

A Rescue Story – Part 2: Four Servals and a Jungle Cat

Additional Rescues?

Chobe, Kariba, and Taji all started to settle in beautifully into their new homes, and we thought that we could go back to our daily routines. But we were wrong. Wildlife Waystation was about to close its doors permanently, and all animals needed to find homes as soon as possible.

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Posted by Cheryl Tuller in Blog

A Rescue Story – Part 1: Two Lion Queens and a Serval

Wildlife Waystation in Sylmar, California had been home to more than 400 animals including big cats, chimpanzees and more. Because of numerous infractions and internal management issues, The Board of Directors surrendered the license they held to have the animals, and the California Department of Wish and Wildlife was faced with the monumental task of finding new homes for all residents.
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Posted by Cheryl Tuller in Blog