Safe travels sweet boy, things aren’t the same without you here…
Putting each loss we suffer into words has happened too many times and it breaks my heart to let you know we lost Boss Man An emergency vet visit showed severe gastroenteritis caused by a foreign body. Somewhere between the evacuation and coming home Boss had ingested something that he couldn’t pass. We still aren’t clear exactly what it was but possibly a toy that he had been playing with. Cats are such stoic creatures that by the time he was acting sick, it was too late

Boss’ Story
Boss is an F1 Chausie, which is a hybrid cat created by breeding an Asian Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) with a domestic cat. Boss came to us from a private owner in California in 2009 who found our website. The following is what he wrote: “We need a new home for our Chausie cat. We bought him from a breeder and realized that we can’t provide a proper home for such a wild animal. We are shocked that these cats are sold as pets.”
We agreed to take him and made arrangements to fly him to the sanctuary. Boss was born with Microphthalmia, which means he is blind in one eye that is much smaller than normal. This condition happens when the mother cat carries Feline herpes virus and the kittens contract it in the womb. A simple test can be done to determine whether a female is a carrier of this, but, sadly, breeders are more concerned about selling and making money than about the health of the kittens they sell.
Boss, is a high energy cat, he can be timid or pushy, depending on his mood, but we find him endearing since he’s a special needs boy. He is very vocal with a wonderful rawk sound that makes us laugh every time we hear him!