Safe passage little girl – June 2021

IsisOnce again we have to share that we have lost another precious wildcat, Isis 😢 At nineteen years old we have been watching Isis the bobcat slow down. She had been in to see Dr. Connolly a few times in the past year but when we saw she wasn’t eating as well as she should we scheduled another appointment at Compass Vet Clinic. Dr. Connolly found a mass in her abdomen as well as kidney disease and abnormal masses in her thorax. I made the difficult decision not to wake her up 😢

Isis came to us in 2012 when she was ten years old. Her owner contacted us to say he was moving and couldn’t take her, and if we didn’t make room he would have to euthanize her. It’s madding that owners say they love their animals but opt to euthanize as a tool to guilt sanctuaries into taking their discarded pets. Of course, we took her in, but when he contacted us months later and asked if he could visit, we told him absolutely not.

She was one of the smallest bobcats we had ever seen, declawed on all four feet and terrified. Thankfully over the years she learned to relax and shared her habitat with Tashi another bobcat. The girls adored each other and spent all their time playing and lounging together. We’re grateful for the time we had with Isis but it’s especially sad, knowing that Tashi no longer has her companion. We’re hopeful that Tashi adjusts to losing Isis but we know she will miss her as much as we do 😔 Safe passage little girl, even though we did all we could to give you a good life, you are finally free . . .

Posted by Stefanie Kraus