We are heartbroken to share that we lost our precious Ariel in November 2023. In May of this year, she was diagnosed with IBD after a complete physical exam. She had been eating and taking her meds well, and we kept a close eye on her. Over the past few weeks, we started seeing a change, nothing dramatic, but she didn’t seem to be herself. Her appetite was still good, and there was nothing we could put a finger on, but we decided to take her to the clinic. After bloodwork, radiographs, and consultation with other vets, nothing much had changed, so it was decided to wake her up and bring her home.
When the intubation tube was removed, it was covered in blood and clots. The decision was made not to wake her up. Necropsy results showed cancer had settled in her lungs, and there was nothing that could have been done. At 13 years of age, she was considered a geriatric cheetah, but we never expected to lose her.
Ariel came to WCR in 2020 on February 14th, Valentine’s Day. She was smart, sassy, opinionated, and we fell madly in love. Her days consisted of fussing at the keepers when she thought they were late with breakfast, napping in the grass and talking with chirps or hisses, depending on her mood. She was a joy to care for, and we can’t believe she’s gone.
Losing any of our residents is painful, but when it’s unexpected, it’s so much harder. We never imagined yesterday would be our last day with her. Safe travels, beautiful girl. You leave us with memories we will hold close forever . . . 💔