In Memory
Farewell, sweet girl, we will always remember you – December 2021
Loss is something that we face far too often in the Sanctuary world and we are heartbroken to share that we lost our sweet girl Sable last week. 😢
Sable was 20 years old and had been at WildCat Ridge Sanctuary since 2007. We had gotten a frantic call from a woman in CA who told us her daughter from out of state had brought her serval to her to keep even though it was illegal in the State. Her ex-husband called the authorities and they were going to confiscate the serval and euthanize her. Of course, we said we would take her. After letting the authorities know Sable arrived two days later.
Sable had been raised as a pet and was very social. Always gentle with other cats she was the first to be introduced to new servals that needed a friend. Sable loved to talk and one of her favorite things was cucumbers which we thought was so funny and endearing. ❤️ Most recently she lived with Safari another serval who had lost his sister last year. He fell in love and was very protective of her even though it wasn’t necessary and they became inseparable.
Last week she let us know that she was tired and ready to move on to her next journey and all we could do is to allow her to do that with dignity and peace. 🙏 Sable has been a huge part of our lives for so many years and losing her is difficult to process. 😢 Safe passage sweet girl you will live in our hearts forever . . .
Please make sure to read the beautiful tribute that our keeper, Rebecca, wrote for Sable.