Winston Fishing Cat (2023)

Winston Fishing Cat (2023)

Run wild and free, beautiful boy! – 2023

Winston Fishing CatWinston was a ten-year-old Fishing Cat that was privately owned. When his owner had to move and couldn’t take him, they contacted us to see if we had space. He arrived at the Sanctuary in February 2023 and we very sadly and unexpectedly lost him only two months later.

It was unexpected and heartbreaking. He had not been eating well for the past two days so our animal care director, Natasha, reached out to Dr. Penny Jacobs at Berry Hill Veterinary Center. The veterinary team made time for Winston right away, and he was examined on Sunday at 3pm. This is what Natasha wrote:

“Upon suspicion of a possible foreign body, we rushed Winston to the vet on Sunday. After initial diagnostics (X-rays, ultrasound, bloodwork, and manual palpation) Dr. Jacobs decided that the best course of action would be to do surgery.  

In surgery, we found that he did not have a foreign body, however, his intestines looked extremely unhealthy. His liver was quite fatty and he also had an enlarged mesenteric lymph node. We moved forward by taking a biopsy of his intestines to submit to a pathologist. We also aspirated his lymph node. Unfortunately, the intestinal tissue was so degraded and compromised that it would not hold together with sutures when Dr. Jacobs tried to close up the biopsy site. Furthermore, upon examining the lymph node aspirate under a microscope, we found that Winston had lymphoma. The diagnosis was confirmed by three other vets in addition to Dr. Jacobs. We elected not to wake Winston up from anesthesia, but to let him go.”

For Winston the cancer wasn’t triggered by a specific reason such as poor diet or environmental causes. His former owners had taken very good care of him. Lymphoma is unpredictable and can present itself in many ways, including damage to the intestines. We have no way of knowing for sure how long Winston had cancer, we think it must have been there for some time.

We are heartbroken about this sudden loss of Winston. He was such a fun and fierce cat, and we all have been falling in love with him.

Run wild and free, beautiful boy! 💔

Posted by Cheryl Tuller in Fishing Cat, Memorials

A Visit to West Coast Game Park Safari

Visiting West Coast Game Park

An Investigative Report by Tiffany Lopez, WCR Operations manager

This past weekend Chris and I had the opportunity to drive down to Bandon, OR and go to West Coast Game Park Safari. Not to enjoy a good time or vacation but to get some important information and footage of the parks now illegal activities of exploiting big cats. Now that the Big Cat Public Safety act has passed, it is now illegal for exhibitors to allow direct contact with cubs. West Coast Game Park has continued to allow the public to interact and ‘pet and play‘ with big cat cubs along with other species at the park, so we decided to see for ourselves. 

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Posted by Tiffany Lopez in Blog, Education

Estate Planning and Charitable Giving

Estate Planning and Charitable Giving

Nearly 70% of Americans do not have an up to date will or living trust, with procrastination being one of the main reasons. Without an estate plan, any assets you owned without a beneficiary designation will be distributed according to your state’s intestacy laws, typically through a court-supervised probate proceeding and the distributions may not be the ones you would have chosen. Further, no state distribution law provides for gifts to friends or charities or makes provisions for your pets. How an Estate Is Settled If There's No Will: Intestate Succession 

You may have numerous charities that you believe in strongly and you may have supported these organizations throughout your lifetime. Making a gift provision to one or more charitable organizations in your estate can be a natural extension of that support and can have a lasting impact on the causes you care most about.

Elements of an Estate Plan

Estate plans take several forms. The key essentials are described below:

Will. A will is a set of instructions to be followed by the estate’s executor, the person responsible for administering your estate. A will sets out your wishes for distributing your property after you die and who will care for your minor children. The individuals or organizations who will receive your assets under the terms of the will are your “beneficiaries." A valid will is generally typed, dated, and signed by you as well as two legally competent witnesses.

Under a will, the assets must still go through your state’s probate court before they can be distributed to your intended beneficiaries. The process varies greatly from state to state, but it can take anywhere from a few months to two years or longer.

Revocable Living Trust. This legal document can be used instead of a will as the main vehicle to distribute your assets. The primary advantage of a trust is that it avoids probate. The trust is created while you are living, most often people serve as their own trustee, and the power to change and even revoke it can be retained. The living trust becomes irrevocable upon your death.

A living trust requires that you actually transfer your property into it for it to be effective. As with a will, you can make gifts to favorite charities in your revocable living trust. These gifts will in most cases be distributed to the charities you name after your passing.

If you decide upon a revocable living trust, you should still have what is called a “pour-over” will. It catches any property that was, intentionally or inadvertently, left out of the trust during your life and is not transferred in another way. While this property will still need to go through probate, it will eventually be distributed according to your trust instructions instead of being distributed under state law provisions.

Beneficiary Designations. These are the forms you fill out when you do things like open a bank or stock brokerage account, establish an IRA or other type of retirement plan, purchase a commercial annuity or life insurance policy, that designate who will receive whatever remains upon your passing (or the death benefit in the case of life insurance). You can name charities in beneficiary designations to receive all or a portion of the account upon your passing.

Which type of estate plan is right will be different for each person. The following guide may make it easier to decide which type of estate plan is right for you  What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust

Leaving a Legacy for WildCat Ridge Sanctuary

A bequest, also called a “legacy gift”, is a gift made through your will or living trust. You can leave a specified amount of money, a particular piece of property, or all or a portion of the ‘residual’ of your estate (what remains after your final expenses, debts, and specific gifts are paid). Making a legacy gift to WildCat Ridge Sanctuary is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and continue a lifetime of support for an institution that has meant so much to you.

You can provide a future gift to WildCat Ridge Sanctuary by including a bequest provision in your will or revocable trust. WildCat Ridge Sanctuary will receive your gift upon your passing based on the specifications included in the provision.

If you wish to leave a bequest to WildCat Ridge Sanctuary, the process is relatively simple. Be sure that our correct legal name appears in all final documents as:

“I give to WildCat Ridge Sanctuary, having a principal place of business at PO Box 280 Scotts Mills, OR 97375 USA, Federal tax identification 93-1320051, ____ percent of my residuary estate (or $_____, or other property) to be used or disposed of in its sole discretion as it deems appropriate.”

Types of Bequests

Specific Bequest: WildCat Ridge Sanctuary receives a specific dollar amount, a specific piece of property or a stated percentage of the estate. This is one of the most popular forms of bequests.

Residuary Bequest: WildCat Ridge Sanctuary receives all or a stated percentage of an estate after distribution of specific bequests and payment of debts, taxes and expenses.

Contingent Bequest: WildCat Ridge Sanctuary receives all or part of the estate under certain specified circumstances, such as the death of another beneficiary.

Beneficiary Designation Gift

Just as you designate individuals to receive certain assets directly as your named beneficiary, you can name WildCat Ridge to receive part of the asset. This is most commonly used with IRAs and other retirement plan assets and life insurance policies, but it can also work with assets such as checking and savings accounts, brokerage accounts, and commercial annuities.

Beneficiary designations have the advantage of being flexible (give as little or as much as you like), revocable (generally they can be changed at any time), and perhaps most importantly, they leave the assets under your control should you need them during your lifetime.

Bequests and beneficiary designation gifts are fully deductible from your estate and there is no limit as to how much can be deducted.


Regardless of the size of your estate, you want to ensure that what you own will go to those people and organizations you care for and love. Your estate documents become a last expression of what you have valued in your life, expressed through a personal statement and by what you leave to whom. By being thoughtful and organized about your affairs, you will have left a final, loving gift to your family and organizations you care about.

Posted by Brent Welling in Blog

2021: A Look Back

2021: A Look Back

The Keeper Journal

2021 was quite the year – we're sure you can relate. From a freezing ice storm in February to blistering temperatures during the summer, the weather alone was enough to keep the keepers on their toes. But, of course, that wasn't all; because when you have almost one hundred animals in your care, each day is likely to be just as exciting as the last.

Onsite updates

The hospital

A continuous project this year was the construction of our hospital building, a future home for medical supplies, as well as a place to host vets to come and conduct procedures like surgeries and wellness exams. This will mean less offsite transporting of cats and 24/7 access to quality medical supplies.

Tanzi Examination

One of our animal sanctuary vets and her team visited us in September to spay Kariba, perform dental care and give overall wellness checks to a number of cats. They were able to utilize the unfinished hospital space, getting us excited for all the possibilities it will offer us once completed.

The lockouts

Feeding lockoutsAnother project the keepers worked on throughout the year was the designing, building and installation of feeding lockouts on many of the bobcat and serval enclosures. The lockouts enable streamlined feeding, minimize fights between penmates and help get the cat into a secure, safe spot when we need to crate them for a medical exam or move.

We hope in the future to also install large lockouts similar to these on all our large cat (tiger and lion) pens, as they help reduce stress for the animals when they're already comfortable entering lockouts/crates on their own.

New residents

2021 also brought a number of new residents to WildCat Ridge. Some of them came with severe health complications, and others were turned in simply because their owners realized owning a wildcat is, well, not a great choice. But we're thrilled to report they've all adapted to their new homes beautifully, and won the hearts of their keepers.



Misha was surrendered to us after his owners were shocked to receive a full bred serval after ordering a savannah cat from a Russian breeder. They attempted to care for him, but unfortunately a diet lacking nutrition led to the development of metabolic bone disease (MBD) resulting in a number of fractures in his legs.

In order to give him better care, they sought us out.

Today Misha lives happily with his serval BFF Cairo and is supplied a well-rounded diet of bones, chicken and beef, which we're pretty sure is the most anticipated part of his day.


DumaFeisty girl Duma came to us in the fall after her owners had to evacuate their home due to severe fires in British Columbia. They had provided her with loving care, a healthy diet and plenty of space to run, but ultimately knew that the security we could provide at our animal sanctuary was the best choice for her.

Duma immediately enchanted us all, even though it took some time to adjust her to the normal diet around here (but she is a cat, after all).

Today she lives peacefully in her enclosure, ever curious of the keepers, with a deep love for mice and basking in the sun.



Rescued from a condemned roadside zoo in New York, Rufina arrived with the fluffiest coat of any bobcat on property and an attitude that clearly says, "I run this place, you just work here."

Even though she likes her space, Rufina is always ready to engage with enrichment, and is quick to come out to the fence line when called, especially if it means receiving an evening snack.


Neeme has been one of our most challenging newcomers, arriving incredibly underweight with a complicated illness many were having a challenge treating.

Outside habitat

However, with a regimented medicine routine, expert veterinarian care, close attention to dietary preferences and tons and tons of neck scratches, Neeme is not only gaining back his weight, he has become a happy, healthy and normal cat who demands his food every morning and evening and wants the attention of his keepers more than anything in the world.

Looking forward

As the new year takes full swing, we're already anticipating many new projects, potential new residents and the ever present changes in routines. Because after all, adapting to new challenges as they come is what makes the animal care field truly so rewarding.

Chobe sunbathing


Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

A Tribute to Sable

A Tribute to Our Serval, Sable

The Keeper Journal

One of the biggest challenges of our jobs as keepers is letting go of the animals in our care. As a retirement home for all of these animals we take in, we are able to promise them the best quality of care after the trauma they likely endured before calling WildCat Ridge home.

This also means, however, that they stay with us until it is time to move on and they tell us it is time for them to go. Recently, such was the case with our precious serval girl, Sable.

A serval with a past

SableSable had been purchased as a kitten in 2001 from a pet store in Washington State. Unfortunately, she was poorly cared for by her original owners, and was taken by a caring friend who found Sable very ill and with many open wounds on her body.

After Sable received the necessary vet care, this friend took Sable into her home in California. But owning a serval is not legal in CA, and after a time, she relinquished ownership to save Sable from being euthanized.

Sable then came to live at WildCat Ridge and called its peaceful landscape her home ever since.

A special one amongst the keepers

Of course, we're not allowed to have favorites, but there was no way to look at Sable without falling in love with her. Every single one of the keepers had a special, unique relationship with Sable.

We looked forward to walking into Charlie perimeter early in the morning, greeted by her insistent meows that breakfast was, indeed, late.

We discovered that she absolutely loved cucumbers and enthusiastically brought them out to her for enrichment when we could. She loved cut up pieces of chicken and chicken hearts, but wasn't always fond of eating them off the ground.

But none of us minded sitting for an extra ten minutes with her to tong feed her piece by piece.

Servals are often characterized by their high energy rambunctiousness, but Sable was always on the gentler side, politely taking her food and participating eagerly in activities like painting.

She never minded when we came in to clean her pen (her enclosure-mate, Safari, on the other hand, would let us know we were the biggest inconvenience.) In fact, Sable minded so little that we would often have to work around her in her reluctance to move from her spot.

Always gentle, always loving


It might sound funny to call her a loving serval,  but that's what she was. Sable had a gentle, peaceful look in her eyes that comforted you even on the hardest days. Towards the end, we definitely noticed as she began to slow down, but she never lost that look, never lost her gentle spirit.

The keepers took her passing with much sadness, but we are grateful for the chance we had to work with her and get to know her, and the opportunity we had to love her.

Rest in peace, sweet Sable, you will be missed.



Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

Suspecting an Illness: How We Tell if a Cat is Sick

Suspecting an Illness: How We Tell if a Cat is Sick

The Keeper Journal

Getting Milo's Weight

Routine weight calculation on Milo

If you've ever been the parent to a sick animal, you know just how stressful it can be. As much as we would love it, no animal can just come up to us and say, "I don't feel good."

So instead of being able to ask, "Where does it hurt?" we, as animal keepers, need to be expert at pinpointing even the smallest abnormality in the behaviors of our cats to catch an illness before it turns into a severe concern.


One key abnormality we look for is lethargy. Now, you might be thinking, "Cats sleep all the time, don't they? How can you tell if they're lethargic or just taking a normal cat nap?"

Great question.

A lethargic cat, while they do sleep a lot, also show physical signs we might notice, such as partially closed eyes, reluctance to get up from their sleeping spot or just overall signs of fatigue. This includes moving a lot more slowly during mealtimes, which, here at the animal sanctuary, is usually fast paced chaos.

So a sleepy-looking, slow-moving cat during breakfast is usually a pretty good indicator to us that they may be having a bit of an off day.

Decrease in appetite

Lynx with Kariba

Keeper Lynx with Kariba

All of our cats eat a consistent diet, so when a cat doesn't finish their diet for a couple of days in a row, or shows disinterest in food entirely, we make a note of it.

A cat that stops eating could have any number of issues, from dental problems to gut problems, so we not only communicate with the team that so-and-so didn't eat, we also monitor the cat.

We ask ourselves, 'Are they showing other symptoms? Was it just one off day or multiple? Are they dehydrated and in need of fluids?'

Additionally, we make sure to contact our vet to either get their feedback or schedule an appointment based on the veterinarian's recommendations.

Fecal abnormalities

It's totally normal in our line of work to pay attention to the quality (yup, quality) of poop we find the enclosures. There's such a thing as a "good poop" and "bad poop," and we actually can learn a ton about the GI health of these animals from their feces.

Obviously, the more solidly formed a feces is, the healthier the animal is, and the worse it looks, the more concerned we need to be. Sometimes it's as simple as switching up what we are feeding the cat, like taking them off a poultry diet and supplementing with rabbit or fish instead; other times it requires a medication change.

No matter what we do, we continue to closely monitor the fecal quality, as well as look for other signs of an upset stomach, like vomiting.

Persistent itching

There have been some recent cases where we've noticed a cat spending frequent time itching and scratching. And while cats are known for grooming, there's a difference between routine grooming and persistent itching.

For some cats, it might be indicative of a food allergy. In others, it might be a reaction to a flea bite, as in the case of flea allergy dermatitis.

When we notice an itching, uncomfy cat, we start with limiting the ingredients of their diet (usually by removing chicken first), and closely monitor the results. We might apply a topical flea medication if we suspect or see fleas. And then we contact our vets for additional suggestions if needed.

Healthy cats mean happy keepers Bailey Rae

None of us like it when our cats get sick, and so we do everything in our power to prevent illness, like assuring their quality of food and taking the proper steps if anyone does have allergies or dietary requirements.

But when sickness does occur, we rely on the knowledge of our vets and the experience of the keepers experienced in veterinary medicine to help. This way we can assure quality of life for all our cats for years to come.

Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

What is a Hybrid Cat?

What is a Hybrid Cat?

The Keeper Journal


Here at WildCat Ridge, we take in a number of wildcats that used to be owned as pets, including bobcats, servals and the occasional lynx. Sadly, many pet owners believe that since they're "smaller" wildcats, they make the perfect exotic house pet. This is just not true, as they come to find out, and they're quick to try and re-home these animals in places like animal sanctuaries.

In addition to servals and bobcats, we also receive a number of inquiries asking to take in hybrid cats. Hybrids are the result of breeding a wildcat with a domestic house cat; these animals are then advertised as domesticated house pets. But no matter how hard you try, you simply can't take the wild out of a wildcat, even if it's been bred with a tabby.

So what's a hybrid?

Sadly, there are a variety of hybrid cats on the pet market today, tempting owners to invest in a more exotic, larger and unique looking pet. These cats may be anywhere from a first generation (F1) hybrid where one parent was a wildcat, one a domestic cat, to an F3, where the momma cat was an F2 and the father a domestic.

The belief is that the lower the number after the F, the less wild the animal...but we all know that while you might take the cat out of the wild, there's no removing the wild out of the cat. Right, Tut?

Savannahs, bengals and chausies

We currently have three different breeds of hybrids at our animal sanctuary – savannahs, bengals and one chausie.

  • Savannah – A savannah cat is the result of breeding a domestic cat with an African serval. While the resulting animal may look as unique as Taji or more like a large house cat, such as Violet or Maxi, their behaviors will likely remain as food aggressive and potentially territorial as a wild serval's. Of course, we do have some savannahs that love some keeper attention, but they remain a force to be reckoned with during breakfast.
Zuzu and Jersey

Zuzu and Jersey, savannah cats

  • Bengals – Bengal cats are the offspring of a domestic cat and Asian Leopard cat. And while they catch the eye of many want-to-be-exotic-pet owners because of their uniquely spotted coat, bengals have an irreversible instinct to mark their territory by spraying everywhere. While there is plenty of room for all our bengals to mark their territory to their hearts content out here at WCR, it's a good reason why bengals don't belong in a home.

    Morpheus, bengal cat

  • Chausie – Chausies are a mix of domestic cat and jungle cat (Felis chaus). Only one chausie calls WildCat Ridge home: our beloved Tut. Even though this boy loves cuddles from the keepers, he also loves anything that smells. We frequently find him waist deep in the poop bucket when we're trying to clean litter boxes, and his reputation for spraying on everything (keepers included!) is just one reason why chausies make highly challenging pets.

Tut, chausie cat

But no matter their quirks, we adore each of our hybrid cats and find it an important part of our mission to provide them with a comfortable forever home.

Thinking about adopting a hybrid cat?

Trust us when we say, "Think again."

Don't get us wrong, we love each and every one of our hybrids, but we also love each and every one of our tigers and we certainly aren't suggesting they make good pets. Just because an animal is beautiful, exotic or has a great personality, it does not mean that animal belongs in a house. Far from it, in fact.

In addition, many hybrid cats, because they are the product of human experimentation and do not occur naturally in the wild, are born with a number of health complications or genetic defects. This can make life uncomfortable, even painful, for the cats; scary diagnoses and large vet bills are yet another reason why many owners give up on owning hybrids, resulting in an abundance of these animals at sanctuaries like ours.

Support our hybrids, not the exotic pet market

We won't disagree, hybrids are beautiful animals (like, we're all obsessed with Morpheus). However, as long as there is a demand, breeders will continue to supply hybrids, even when a majority of these cats will likely be re-homed or need extensive medical care at some point in their lives.

You can help put a stop to this demand and provide for the wellbeing of all exotic animals by raising your voice against the exotic pet trade, adopting a sweet domestic kitty from your local human society instead or virtually adopting one of our hybrids!

And we thank you for standing with us against the private ownership and breeding of exotic wildcats.



Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

What Does it Take to be a Keeper?

What Does it Take to be a Keeper?

The Keeper Journal

Believe it or not, but many of the keepers here at WildCat Ridge Sanctuary did not start out their professional careers right off the bat as animal caretakers. While many of us grew up loving animals, and at some point or other, when asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" responded with "A veterinarian," we actually ended up spending time working completely different jobs, like an EMT, an elementary school teacher and even a coffee barista.

And yet, our passions obviously got the better of us and, after a few years, changed trajectory completely. But you can ask any of us if it was worth it and likely hear a similar response: "This is my dream job."

Surviving Joe Exotic - Screenshot

But before we get all sentimental and I go off on a huge tangent about pursuing your passions, I think it's important to share some concrete information about what it takes to be a zoo keeper. How do you become one? Where do you start?

Educational requirements

Typically most animal care positions require a college degree or certification in a field like Zoology, Biology, Ecology or some other degree focused on animal management and husbandry. Some community colleges offer two-year zoo keeping degrees, while online certification programs, like the Animal Behavior Institute, offer certifications in numerous specializations, including Zoo & Aquarium Science.

If you're mid-career change and don't have time for another four-year degree program, don't panic. Shorter certification programs, as well as hands-on experience offer valuable skills that many keeping jobs look for.

How do I get hands-on animal experience?

In addition to educational know-how, many positions require animal handling/care experience. There are a number of ways in which you can gain this, such as volunteering at your local humane society, zoo or aquarium, or finding a reputable internship program.

Allow us to note the importance of finding a properly accredited zoo or aquarium at which to volunteer or intern. Looking for AZA accreditation or American Sanctuary Association accreditation will keep you from accidentally winding up at a potentially dangerous or disreputable roadside zoo or attraction. (Plus, accredited institutions just look better on a resume.)

Looking for an internship?

All of us exotic cat keepers here at WCR started out as interns, and we highly recommend interning as a fantastic way to get experience as an animal keeper. While most intern positions, be they at a zoo or sanctuary, are unpaid, the experience and knowledge you gain is crucial to your continuation in the animal field.

Rebecca working with the little cats

We are pleased to have the ability to offer a three month internship program here at WildCat Ridge where you will learn everything from how to prepare Scout and Atticus's daily diet to how to lay concrete. It's a mix of animal husbandry, the occasional landscaping task, keeping the Sanctuary property up-to-date, routine daily tasks and occasionally assisting the keepers with unexpected emergencies.

We find our internship program to be unique in that you get to work through protected contact with exotic big cats, you get to design and implement an intern project, like new animal enrichment, and you get the experience of shadowing and learning from the keepers.

If an internship program at an exotic cat sanctuary is the experience you're seeking, fill out an application today.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

Seasons Change: Winterizing the Sanctuary

Seasons Change: Winterizing the Sanctuary

The Keeper Journal


This year we’ve experienced some very drastic weather — from hot, humid summer days above a hundred degrees, to rainy hail storms this fall. And after last winter’s dramatic ice storm, we wouldn’t be surprised if Mother Nature keeps us on our toes all winter long.

Switching it up

As we transition from warm days into the cool temperatures of fall, we take the time to make sure that all the animals, from the domestics to the tigers, are kept warm, comfortable and well protected from the wind, rain and (sure to come) snow. 

Walls up, shade cloth down

At the start of the summer we install shade cloth on the walls and ceilings of all the enclosures, as the pens are constructed of metal paneling that let copious amounts of sunshine through. To keep the yards comfortable, we use shade cloth in strategic spots to create artificial shade and protection from the sun. In the winter, however, that all comes down. 

In addition to removing shade cloth, we install large pieces of sturdy plywood on the paneling that faces the cats’ yards. This helps protect the deck from any inclement weather, and gives the cats a dry place to go when it rains…which, in Oregon, is pretty much all the time. 

Preventing frozen hoses

Obviously in the winter we have no need for cooling misters, so we also take the time to disconnect all the hoses, drain the misters and coil them up until summer.

As we work throughout the winter, using the hoses and hydrants around the sanctuary, we make sure to disconnect and drain hoses from all the hydrants when we’re finished cleaning. Hoses full of frozen ice really don’t do much when we’re trying to refill waters. 

Keeping it warm

There are a number of tricks we use to keep our cats warm and dry in the winter (even though the tiger boys insist on swimming in their pools in the middle of December). 

Nora, a white tiger

  • Heated water buckets – Believe it not, but you can actually find water buckets that effectively keep the water at a comfortable drinking temperature, as well as prevent freezing. Every enclosure has at least one heated water bucket on the deck so the cats always have access to plenty of water.
  • Space heaters – In our small cat houses where we house the hybrids and domestics, you’ll find space heaters installed near the ceilings. These help maintain the indoor temperature, keeping the rooms nice and cozy. 
  • Wall heaters – On each of the cats’ decks you’ll find two den boxes: big rectangular dens that provide additional shelter, warmth and a snug place to curl up and sleep. On the walls of the den boxes are installed heating panels that keep the den boxes at a consistent temperature. We check these frequently throughout the winter, ensuring everyone’s den boxes stay cozy and dry. 
  • Additional straw – We cover the floor of the den boxes with straw year round, but in the winter we add extra straw for more warmth. And for our older servals and bobcats, we like to give padded cat beds and blankets to protect stiff little joints. 

As the temperatures drop, we are diligent about making sure all the cats are as comfortable as possible, regardless of the weather.

Raising diets

If you don’t work with animals, you might not realize this (I certainly didn’t know when I experienced my first season change as a keeper), but the cats here at the sanctuary become more wild than ever during feeding time. Because their bodies are burning so many calories in an attempt to regulate body temperature, they become increasingly hungry – and sometimes rather aggressive.

In order to mitigate their overwhelming enthusiasm at mealtimes (as well as maintain a healthy weight), we raise the diets of the cats requiring an increase. Not everyone is in need of this, but it has proven very beneficial in keeping our cats happy and healthy!


Meeting the challenge 

With any new season comes the possibility of inclement weather. And we rely on our tried and trusted procedures, as well as innovative ideas, to help us, and the animals adjust. By making it a priority to keep them comfortable and dry during the winter, we can ensure their comfort, no matter the season!




Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog

No Contact: Why We Keep Our Distance

No Contact: Why We Keep Our Distance

The Keeper Journal

Ask any of the keepers and we'll tell you one of the most common questions we get when we share our job title is, "So do you get to go in and play with the tigers?" 

To which we smile, shake our heads most emphatically and say, "No way." 

Free vs. No Contact

In animal care facilities like zoos and sanctuaries, certain methods of interacting with/administering care to the animals exist. This includes free contact care and no contact care.

Free Contact

Free contact means the keepers use nothing to restrain the animal – no leashes, muzzles, harnesses or even fences come between animal and keeper.

According to Ken Ramirez, author of Animal Training: Successful Animal Management Through Positive Reinforcement, some animal caretakers believe that "free contact is the only way to build true trust between trainer and animal. But many training programs have proved that's not true. Free contact can also be the most dangerous way to interact with wild animals because it offers little to no protection."

With free contact, you enter into the animal's enclosure; but with more territorial animals, this might feel like an invasion of territory. In addition, it challenges their dominance, meaning you, the keeper, need to establish dominance in order to determine who's in charge here – and for some animals, like tigers and lions, this isn't likely to be well received; not to mention it can be highly stressful to the animals.


For other animals, however, free contact is neither dangerous to keepers, nor threatening to the animals. We engage with our livestock in a free contact manner, cleaning and maintaining their physical health by going into their pens with them.

Even our hybrid cats (many of whom spent time as house pets) are accustomed to us freely walking about their enclosure – that being said, we are always conscious of who does prefer to be kept at arm's length (looking at you, Sarge).

No Contact

No contact is how we work with and feed our big exotic cats, meaning there is always a locked gate and fencing between us and them. While some might see this as limiting, it is actually an effective method of training, as there’s no need to invade the territory of the animal and challenge their dominance or stress them out.

Even through the fence, we have succeeded in training many behaviors, like asking our lions and tigers to receive food by sitting calmly instead of pacing back and forth, or asking Ariel to reach up on the fence so we can get a good look at her whole body, checking for anything out of the ordinary.

“But what about cleaning?” 

Great question – when we go into the big cat pens to clean, we always make sure to either lock them out in the yard so we can safely enter their den box areas, or we lock them inside in order to pick up after them in the yards. After all, it’s much easier to focus on setting up exciting enrichment when you don’t have a 400 pound tiger following you around.

A healthy respect 

When working with exotic cats, or any wild animal for that matter, it’s vitally important to maintain a healthy respect for their wild instincts. Even if that cat has spent time living in a home as a pet, they’re still wild – sleeping on a queen sized mattress doesn’t remove their instincts – and we keepers keep that in mind. And for this reason, WildCat Ridge will always be a no contact, no pet facility.




Posted by Rebecca Siemens in Blog