Safe travels, little princess – June 2021
In rescue, we understand that bad days come with the good. But that doesn’t mean it gets any easier. Even after over twenty years the loss of a life you’ve loved, cared for, and cherished still takes your heart and shatters it into a million pieces. We are heartbroken to share that we said goodbye to our sweet Cleo. Even knowing she was 23 still didn’t prepare us for that final moment. But in true bobcat style, she let us know that her work here was done and it was time to ease into her final journey.
So many memories came flooding back, seeing her for the first time and learning the abuse she had endured. Watching her blossom and thrive under our care, her complete dedication to her best friend Bobby with whom she had shared her life. Looking back on all the years she was part of our lives, we are richer for knowing her and caring for her but it leaves an emptiness that shatters our souls. Safe travels little girl, sleep peacefully, and know we miss you every day . . .
Cleo’s history
Cleo was purchased in Oregon at an Exotic Pet Show in 1998, from a breeder who said she was a bobcat-hybrid. She was only four-week-old. Her naive owners decided to have their veterinarian do a ‘Tendonectomy’ (surgery that severed her tendons on all four feet) so she couldn’t use her claws. She was fed domestic cat food and lived in their garage. When a nasty break-up between the owners happened, Cleo came to us in 2004.
She was in terrible shape when she arrived, but with a wholesome natural diet and good vet care, she thrived! Unfortunately, because she had her tendons severed, she is unable to wear down her claws, so they continue to grow. Every 6 months she has to be anesthetized and have her claws trimmed so they don’t imbed into her pads. Something that we hate doing, because there is a risk with each procedure, but we have no other choice. Sad to think that a veterinarian would do this to a wildcat that can’t be touched. Cleo now lives alone having lost her best boy, Bobby and then Bailey Rae. She seems to be doing ok and we are keeping a close eye on her and providing extra attention and enrichment.