We will miss you, sweet guy – October 2020
In October 2020, our sweet Cole has lost his battle with renal failure. 😢 At fourteen years old we had been watching his health as it has been a concern for us over the past year. He was slowing down and despite medication and vet visits there was not much change. 😞 His quality of life had gotten much worse and we made the difficult decision to let him go. 😢 Sadly his history was not that unusual from most stories we hear.
In 2016 a local shelter contacted us about a Bengal that had been surrendered and asked if we could make room. His owner had left him at his vet to be euthanized. 😡
According to his owner, Cole had destroyed $20,000 worth of leather furniture. 🙂 At ten years old, he had been on Prozac and all sorts of medication to try to prevent spraying and nothing worked. We did a complete workup and found he had a heart murmur, and pins in both back hips, showing he had surgery at some time in the past. We can only imagine the life this cat has had, so of course, we had to say yes.”
Cole was one of the sweetest cats who always looked a bit confused but loved the attention. He lived in his own world and on his own time, napping, hanging out with the other cats, spraying where-ever and whenever he wanted and we adored him ❤️
It’s never easy to lose a resident especially at this age, but his life at WildCat Ridge was lived on his own terms and we’re grateful for the time we had. Safe travels beautiful boy, we miss hearing you talk, telling us about your day. 😔