Farewell, sweet Jett – June 2020



Every loss is difficult and heartbreaking, made even more so when it’s unexpected. I’m so sad to share that we lost sweet Jett, one of the newest servals to come to WildCat Ridge Sanctuary. Jett wasn’t eating very well so after two days we did an exam, gave him fluids, medication and brought him inside to watch. He perked up the next morning had a great breakfast and we thought we were on the road to recovery. The following day he crashed and despite doing all we could we had to let him go.

It happened so quickly and out of the blue that we’re still reeling from it. A necropsy showed a bacterial infection that had gone into his bloodstream. Jett was a young serval and to lose him after such a short period of time is so difficult to come to peace with.

Safe travels sweet boy, your time with us was much too short.

Posted by Cheryl Tuller