Safe travels dear boy – May 2022
I have been putting off writing this email because it’s been really difficult to put into words the grief. Last week after months of doing everything possible, we had to let Neeme go.
This sweet boy had so many wonderful people pulling for him and we refused to stop doing anything and everything we could to get him better, but in the end, his spirit was strong but his body was too weak to continue.
When he came to us in September of last year we were hopeful we could make a difference, and we did! He was doing well and gaining weight until a few months ago. Bloodwork confirmed level 4 renal failure including all the other issues he was facing. Despite different medication, daily fluids, and all the love we had, Neeme didn’t rally.
He had been seen by different veterinarians over the time he lived with us, blood pulled, tests run, biopsies were done and all with conflicting diagnoses. Possible Lymphoma and or severe GI complications were making it impossible for him to process food normally and he was also hyperthyroid. We tried raw diets, hydrolyzed diets, and of course renal support diets but he continued to lose weight. I brought him inside so we could keep a close eye on him and every day the keepers would hold him, give him fluids and cuddle him while he purred and made muffins on their laps.
Last week he let us know that he was tired and it was time. Our vet came out and we held him in our arms while he was released from his frail body. It was peaceful but so very heartbreaking knowing that despite everything we couldn’t save him.
Neeme was such a kind, sweet boy who deserved so much more than the life he had been given. He leaves behind many broken hearts and we will never forget his gentle spirit. Safe travels dear boy we miss you every day.
Neeme’s History
Neeme, a male F3 Savannah Cat, was purchased from a breeder in Florida as a kitten. Savannahs are an exotic cross between an African Serval and a domestic cat. They do not naturally exist in the wild. He was kept as a pet for 10 years with his domestic “siblings”. As time passed his keeper noticed he began to lose weight. After a visit to the veterinarian, he was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) – which results in muscle wasting. He later was diagnosed with suspected irritable bowel disease (IBD) which manifested as chronic diarrhea.
Neeme spent time at the vet’s clinic shortly after being diagnosed. While there he received a therapeutic treatment regimen and showed improvement before he went home. However at home, Neeme’s health declined again, and it seemed his issues could not be managed at home. This is something that happens frequently with hybrid cats that retain some of the wildness of their exotic ancestors, and one reason why they don’t make good pets.
The owner, who felt she had exhausted all other options, requested he is euthanized to end his suffering. Feeling that this could possibly be avoided as his health improved with the vet’s direct supervision and care, the owner surrendered him in lieu of euthanasia at the veterinarian’s request. The plan was to restore his health and find a Sanctuary that could give him the life he deserved. The veterinarian and a long-term client of hers, whom she knew had contacts in the world of exotic cats, agreed to take in Neeme, who at this point weighed less than 7 pounds. The two worked tirelessly for weeks to improve his overall health and weight.