Cricket (born 2017)
In July of 2019 thirteen servals were seized from a breeder that were found in two RV trailers on a remote property in Canada. Officers noted, ‘they were exposed to high levels of ammonia from urine, with litter boxes overflowing with feces, no proper ventilation or access to water, despite high temperatures, and no natural light because the windows were covered.”
When the story broke we immediately contacted the authorities and offered to help. When we saw a video of Cricket and Kane two of the servals that lived together it broke our hearts. Cricket had a damaged front leg that he couldn’t use and would need to be amputated. We let the officers know that we would take both servals. On November 19th, Cricket and Kane arrived from Canada. (The other servals went to two accredited sanctuaries one in MN and one in NC). They settled in very quickly and we scheduled a vet appointment. A week later both servals went in to see Dr. Connolly at Compass Vet Clinic where they were both neutered and Cricket had his leg amputated. Dr. Connolly said this about their exam:
“Kane has a broken sternum, which occurred long enough ago that it has healed in position. I suspect a kick (most common cause of that injury in domestic cats and dogs).
The right side of Cricket’s pelvis was damaged while he was young – his right pelvis is shorter than the left, and the left curves around to the right. In addition, the right femur was traumatized when he was young and is curved. These injuries likely occurred at the same time – either he was hit by car or he was hit or kicked by something else. His right front leg was de-gloved at some point and he was missing the paw.
Thankfully both are now doing great. Cricket is very curious and has the most adorable tail that is always curled over his back. Kane is very vocal and not afraid at all. We are thrilled to be able to give both of these boys a lifetime home.
Adopt Cricket
With your $50 adoption fee, you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- The knowledge that you're making a difference in the lives of the wildcats at WildCat Ridge.
Sponsor Cricket
With your $500 sponsorship fee you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- One private tour of WildCat Ridge (for two adults, no children under 18, June thru Sept. with the fulfillment of payment).