Run free and wild, sweet girl – May 31, 2019
We are heartbroken to share with you that yesterday was the day we said good-bye to our Sweet Shirley Girl 😢 She hadn’t been feeling well for a very long time and at 21 years old, we worried every day. But each time we thought she was ready, she would do something like play with her favorite ball, or eat a good breakfast or chuff and rub on the fence when we came out to see her. These past three days she ate less and less and we were hoping that she would rebound, but this time she didn’t. We were all with her as she moved on to her next journey but it’s still something we struggle to process.

Shirley and Mac
She was truly one of a kind, the dearest girl who never snarled or growled or was in a bad mood. Her welcoming chuffs were never ending and we all loved her more than we can say. She and her brother Mac came to us on 10-10-2010, the year of the tiger, and were the first tigers we had ever rescued. Mac was a huge presence and he overshadowed Shirley because she was content just to be close to him. When we lost Mac in 2013 to Fiber Sarcoma, Shirley’s well being became a concern but she had already made peace with the loss.
She soaked up the attention we gave her and became very vocal, calling to us then chuffing when we got close. She loved enrichment and became a fantastic artist over the years 🎨 Her absolute favorite thing in the world was a huge jolly ball that Lynda Hansen bought for her. Even though she was declawed it didn’t stop her from putting huge teeth marks in it and showing us what a strong tiger she was.
Over the past few years we watched her slow down, but her spirit never changed, she was everything that is good and kind wrapped up in her soul and she made everyone she met fall in love. Having the honor and privilege of caring for her for the past 11 years is something we treasure and hold close to us while we grieve. Our lives are better having cared for her but it makes the loss that much harder to live with. Safe travels beautiful girl you made our lives richer by being such a huge part of our hearts. Things will never be the same without you 😢
Shirley’s History
Shirley was born in 1998 and lived at Wild Animal Orphanage in Texas. Due to previous corrupt management, the facility could no longer afford to care for the animals and had to close down. There were over 400 animals that needed to find new homes. Shirley and her brother, Mac, were two of over 70 big cats that needed placement. With 55 tigers alone that needed sanctuary, we knew that we had to help.
Shirley and Mac arrived at WildCat Ridge on October 10, 2010. Shirley came to us in relatively good health, although she had a bite wound on her front paw. Shirley and Mac shared a huge enclosure, complete with perches, logs, trees, and lots of space to run and play! Sadly we lost Mac to cancer in 2013 despite doing all we could.