Safe travels, Simba – January 30 2018


I was hoping against hope that we would get through the rest of 2018 without any more losses but sadly on Nov 6th, we helped Simba move onto his next journey. He had declined dramatically just over the past week, and we knew it was time. Simba came to WCR in August of 2006 when he was eight years old. Purchased as a kitten from a Montana fur farm his owner thought having a bobcat would be great. As Simba grew out of his cute kitten stage and his owners started having children he was banned to their garage where he lived for the next seven years. His owner found us on the web and contacted us many times to take Simba and we finally agreed even though we had no room. A new enclosure had to be built for him but seeing how much he enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine, we knew it was the right thing to do. During his time at the Sanctuary, he lived together with Cleo, Bobby and Bailey Rae. Moving to Scotts Mills we were able to break up the foursome into two pens, with Simba and Bailey Rae together.

Despite being declawed on all four feet, Simba reminded us every day over the next twelve years that although captive bred and born, he was certainly no pet and remained our most aggressive bobcat until the end. But he lived comfortably with Bailey Rae and they were rarely apart. While we all feel the loss of Simba, there is no doubt Bailey Rae will be the most impacted. Having lived with a companion the entire time she’s been with us, we worry about her and hope that as time goes on she will adapt to being alone. Over the past year, we have lost four bobcats who each left behind a companion. Not only is losing them heartbreaking but knowing their companions will live the rest of their lives alone is the most heartbreaking of all 😔 Safe travels Simba, we will miss your ferocious attitude and growls but know you’re finally free for the first time . . .

Posted by Cheryl Tuller