Safe journey little Tosh – October 2022
We are heartbroken to share that Tosh has lost his fight with Cancer 😢 Tosh was an eight-year-old F1 Bengal who came to us in 2013 after being dumped at a rehab facility in Scottsdale Arizona. They reached out to us and we were happy to take him. Never a big cat, his size belied his fierce determination and spirit. He came with a chip on his shoulder and wanted nothing to do with us but with time we won him over with lots of love, food, and toys.
Tosh was very independent and never let the other cats push him around. When Little Leo arrived in 2017 as a 2 lb. kitten, Tosh became his surrogate ‘mother’ until Leo was big enough to go outside with the other cats. This past year he was diagnosed with cancer and despite all the intense care and medication, it became obvious that his time was limited.
Over these past few months, he came inside where he would lay in my arms, keeping me company while I worked. Spending that time I reflected on our journey together and wished his life could have been different. Tosh was never cut out to be a ‘pet’ but I’m grateful that his life with us allowed him the freedom to do and be as wild as he wanted. Safe journey little Tosh, you will always be part of my sweetest memories…