Maxi came to us through Savannah Cat Rescue. He is an F1 Savannah, which means his father was an African Serval and his mother was a domestic cat. Maxi had been sold as a kitten to an owner that didn’t spend any time with him, and, as he got older and harder to handle, she wanted him gone. Savannah Cat Rescue was contacted, and they, in turn, asked us if we could give him a lifetime home.
Maxi is quite a character. He’s full of himself and thinks he’s the boss. His best friend is ZuZu, another F1 Savannah, and they spend hours playing and chasing each other. Maxi has many serval mannerisms, including head butts, wheelies, and, of course, spraying. But we love him just the same!
Adopt Maxi
With your $50 adoption fee, you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- The knowledge that you're making a difference in the lives of the wildcats at WildCat Ridge.
Sponsor Maxi
With your $500 sponsorship fee, you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- One private tour of WildCat Ridge (for two adults, no children under 18, June thru Sept. with the fulfillment of payment).