
In 2018 we were contacted by a rescue group in Salem, Oregon to see if we could take in a Bengal cat. The story was this cat was purchased in 2014 as a kitten from a local ‘pet shop.’ Once the kitten got older and more vocal they let him outside. Sammy roamed the streets from 2015 in a small town in Oregon until he was captured February 2018. He had a microchip and when his owner was contacted, they decided to surrender him.

Sammy was in bad shape from living on the streets, being shot at with BB guns, kicked and all sorts of terrible things that happen to a cat on their own. We took him immediately to see Dr. Lipanovich where his exam showed an abscess that had burst under his chin all the way through to the inside of his mouth, several open wounds that were draining, a broken jaw that was trying to heal, lots of bad teeth that had to be removed and fleas. But miraculously his blood work came back negative for FIV and FELV!

Dr. Lipanovich treated his wounds, pulled teeth, neutered him, gave him antibiotics and said he needed to stay in quarantine at least four weeks to allow his jaw to heal. Despite’s everything we did to him, he is the sweetest most loving cat ever!

We have all fallen in love with Sammy and are so glad that we were contacted to provide a lifetime home for him! He’s now out with the hybrid cats and doing very well. Working together with other rescues means more animals saved and we are always grateful to be able to help in any way we can. Good boy, Sammy!

Adopt Sammy

With your $50 adoption fee, you receive:

  • A sponsorship certificate.
  • An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
  • The history of the wildcat you chose.
  • The knowledge that you're making a difference in the lives of the wildcats at WildCat Ridge.

Sponsor Sammy

With your $500 sponsorship fee, you receive:

  • A sponsorship certificate.
  • An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
  • The history of the wildcat you chose.
  • One private tour of WildCat Ridge (for two adults, no children under 18, June thru Sept. with the fulfillment of payment).


$ 50.00
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Donation Total: $50.00