
Niklaus, a handsome Bengal cat comes to us from CA. He is a very sweet boy but has inappropriate urination issues. His owners loved him very much, but because of their work travel, they couldn’t provide the life they wanted for him. So they asked if we could take him and give him a lifetime home. Niklaus now lives in SC3 with other hybrid and domestic cats. The change has been hard on him, but he’s doing so much better and seems to be settling in very well.  Niklaus is just one of the many hybrid cats that are bought and sold to be ‘pets’ and they aren’t. Please read the following from Nik’s previous owner:

‘Niklaus is the sweetest boy that never belonged in a house. It was just not possible to provide everything he needed in a home. His anxieties due to past traumas lead him to be terrified of anyone and anything new, resulting in inappropriate urination and starving himself regularly.  We were so blessed that Niklaus was able to find a home at WildCat Ridge Sanctuary, where they understand his needs and are able to provide a loving home for him, amongst other cats. While some may think he would be better off as a house pet due to his nonaggressive personality, we know we made the right decision for him. You cannot breed the “wild” out of a wild cat, and now he will get the chance to live as he was meant to. I love watching his new journey where he will be safe for the rest of his life.’

Adopt Niklaus

With your $50 adoption fee, you receive:

  • A sponsorship certificate.
  • An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
  • The history of the wildcat you chose.
  • The knowledge that you're making a difference in the lives of the wildcats at WildCat Ridge.

Sponsor Niklaus

With your $500 sponsorship fee you receive:

  • A sponsorship certificate.
  • An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
  • The history of the wildcat you chose.
  • One private tour of WildCat Ridge (for two adults, no children under 18, June thru Sept. with the fulfillment of payment).


$ 50.00
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Donation Total: $50.00