Tut is a Chausie cat which means he’s a hybrid cat that is created by breeding a Jungle Cat (Felis Chaus) to a domestic female cat. He is one of the eight wildcats we took from Wildlife Waystation and has been here since August 2019. He’s a very social cat who enjoys interaction with our keepers but is not a pet. He doesn’t use a litter box so he lives out with the other domestic and hybrid cats. Confident and curious, he’s a fun boy and we are happy to be able to provide him with a lifetime home.
Adopt Tut
With your $50 adoption fee, you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- The knowledge that you're making a difference in the lives of the wildcats at WildCat Ridge.
Sponsor Tut
With your $500 sponsorship fee, you receive:
- A sponsorship certificate.
- An 8.5 x 11 full-color image (ready to frame).
- The history of the wildcat you chose.
- One private tour of WildCat Ridge (for two adults, no children under 18, June thru Sept. with the fulfillment of payment).